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Kệ truyền đăng trong khoá tu 21 ngày 2018 “Tri kỷ của Bụt”

Trong khoá tu này, tăng thân Làng Mai đã có lễ truyền đăng cho 26 vị tân giáo thọ cư sĩ đến từ nhiều nước trên thế giới (14 – 15.6.2018)


1. Tiếp hiện True Shining Bodhicitta 

(Scott Schang, Mỹ)

The sun of insight shines in every realm
Indestructible is the seed of bodhicitta
The sound of the rising tide heals all wounds
Every step restores the life of mother earth.
2. Tiếp hiện Chân Niệm Đức

(Denise Ségor, Mỹ)


The source of mindfulness is a seed

Nurtured in mind’s earth by virtue’s rain

Harmonizing different voices

The future Buddha is the sangha.

3. Tiếp hiện True Holy Heart

(Bill Woodall, Mỹ)


Nature itself is silent and holy

Always clear of ideas of right and wrong.

Living in the world heart undisturbed

A pillar to hold the sangha-body.


4. Tiếp hiện Chân Phúc Hải

(Bruce Nichols, Mỹ)


Navigating the deep Dharma ocean

The boat of merit, lighthouse of wisdom

Teach the practice with the Dharma-body,

Accept, embrace, listen to suffering.


5. Tiếp hiện  True Wondrous Joy

(Diane Little Eagle, Mỹ)


Land ancestors are here wonderfully

In the joy of the grass, width of the sky.

Suffering, the mud, awaits compassion.

Strong and solid we grow lotus flowers.

6. Tiếp hiện   True Spiritual Peace

(Michele Tae, Mỹ)

eyes see that emptiness is form

Drops of  peace fall gently on all around

Complexes dissolve where there is true love

The Dharma continues for times to come.

7. Tiếp hiện  Chân Giác Dụng

(Margret de Backere, Đức)


How wonderful that the tree is there:

The tree itself is the tree’s function.

We awaken to life’s miracle

Our true home is the present moment.

8. Tiếp hiện Chân Bích Trì

(Caitlin Bush, New Zealand)


The emerald stream wends its way through life

Reaching the lake of true understanding.

Look at its water! All is reflected.

Inclusiveness dissolves all complexes.


9. Tiếp hiện  True Precious Eyes

(Phil Stein, Mỹ)

is the time spent with young people

Eyes able to look at all with love.

The muni does not need to shun the world

And enters the door of mindful action.


10. Tiếp hiện  Chân Thường Đức

(Theresa Payne, Vương quốc Anh)

the miracle of life.

Indestructible the virtue of love.

Being there with the breath for another

Will reveal the truth of interbeing.



11. Tiếp hiện  Chân Nhã Hương

(Tineke Spruytenburg, Hà Lan)

is the practice of the Dharma

The incense of the heart is lit for all

Being able to adapt as needed

Brings all beings to the shore of freedom.


12. Tiếp hiện Chân Tăng Lực

(Valerie Brown, Mỹ)

In the true Sangha is the true Buddha.

The power of cutting through afflictions

comes from the power of understanding.

All bow down in the spirit of oneness.


13. Tiếp hiện True Silent Faith

(Rick Sonnenberg, Mỹ)

Silent the sunrise over the mountain

Giving faith in the miracle of life.

Looking deeply we are able to heal

Conflicts that have arisen, large or small.


14 Tiếp hiện   Chân An Sơn

(Vivien Ephraimson Abt, Mỹ)

The clouds that gather around the mountain

Are the peace that the Dharma doors offer.

The gentle flow of the breath is music

That ennobles the sangha far and wide.


15. Tiếp hiện   True Solid Practice

(Angie Searle, Vương quốc Anh)

Solid are the footsteps that caress the earth.

Cultivating our mind is the practice.

Taking care of this ancestral body

We honour four objects of gratitude.


16. Tiếp hiện Chân Trú An

(Greg Gallo, Mỹ)

Right mindfulness is the safest abode.

Right view is the source for peace in the world.

Coming back to our true home, mother earth

We care for the future generations.


17. Tiếp hiện Chân Linh Giải

(Sheila Canal, Mỹ)


The spiritual path is limitless love;

Understanding that removes division.

Together we advance a global ethics

To lessen the suffering of the world.


18. Tiếp hiện  Chân Hạnh Bi
(Ava Avalos, Botswana)

Right action goes hand in hand with right view.

The rain of compassion waters good seeds.

Looking into the eyes of suffering,

Self and other dissolve into oneness.


19Tiếp hiện Chân Nguyên An

(Josselyne Letort-Vanel, Pháp)

Stopping to look deeply you see the source,
From which comes peace now and for the future.
Spring flowers of the heart can bloom afresh.
The gifts of the Dharma are falling rain.
(French translation )
T’arrêtant pour regarder profondément tu vois la source
D’où vient la paix de maintenant et pour le futur.
Les fleurs printanières peuvent à nouveau éclore
Les cadeaux du Dharma sont la pluie qui tombe.


20. Tiếp hiện Chân Hương Đạo

(Christiane Terrier, Pháp)


Fragrant is the incense of the heart.

It turns the endless path to joy.

Faith always gives rise to inner strength.

Birth and death are no obstacle.


(French translation )

Parfumé est l’encens du coeur

Le chemin éternel se transforme en joie

De la foi s’élève la force intérieure

Naissance et mort ne font plus obstacle.



21. Tiếp hiện Chân Nguyên Ngôn

(Serge Letort, Pháp)

La nature en soi est silencieuse

Une parole apporte le bonheur à tous les êtres

Pratiquer la parole aimante au quotidien

C’est comprendre et aimer en action.


(English translation )

Nature by itself is silent

One word brings happiness to all beings.

Practicing loving speech in daily life

Is understanding and love in action.


22Tiếp hiện Chân Trí Viên

(Dominique Le Moine, Pháp)

Trí tuệ như gương trong

Viên mãn tựa trăng rằm

Tâm từ bi trải rộng

Hỷ lạc luôn hanh thông.


La sagesse est comme un pur miroir

Reflétant la perfection telle la pleine lune

La compassion est partout présente

Joie et bonheur se manifestent à chaque moment.


23Tiếp hiện Chân Nguyên Lạc

(Jack Bertho, Pháp)


Sur le Chemin où me ramènent mes pas la lune brille

Tout le paysage intérieur et alentour scintille d’une joie originelle

La présence de nos frères et de nos sœurs tel un sourire

Fait s’épanouir la fleur de cet instant précieux .


24. Tiếp hiện Chân Ân Đạo

(Juan Gregorio Hidalgo Ruiz, Tây Ban Nha)

The pathis in the depths of consciousness

Nourishing gratitude since childhood years.

Once the transmission has been received

There is no more need to search for it.


El camino está en las profundidades de la conciencia

Nutriendo la gratitud desde la infancia.

Una vez que la transmisión ha sido recibida

No hay más necesidad de buscarla.

25. Tiếp hiện Chân Bảo Giang

(Rosa María Serrano Salcedo, Tây Ban Nha)

Precious is this lifetime on Mother Earth

When the river of the sangha holds us.

Joyfully accepting the gifts of Dharma

Our heart brims to the full with gratitude.



Preciosa es esta vida sobre la Madre Tierra

Cuando el río de la sangha nos sostiene.

Aceptando alegremente los dones del Dharma

Nuestro corazón rebosa de gratitud.


26Tiếp hiện Chân Bảo Sơn

(Luis Del Val Martinez, Tây Ban Nha)

Each moment a precious eternity
The jewelled mountain is always there.
Why wait another day to touch the truth,
Whose message is found in clouds and rain?


Cada momento una preciosa eternidad
La montaña enjoyada siempre está ahí.
¿Por qué esperar otro día para tocar la verdad,
cuyo mensaje se encuentra en las nubes y la lluvia?