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Happiness is the Way 4-day Retreat with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village Monastics

May 23 – 26, 2013

at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village Ma On Shan, NT

The responses to the 4-day retreat with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh March 23 – 26, 2013  were overwhelming. Registration for the retreat and for the waiting list are now closed.

Thank you for your interest in the retreat.

PVFHK-AIAB Retreat registration staff

Dear friends,

We are happy to inform you that Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh will come to Hong Kong in May 2013. The monks, nuns, and lay practitioners of the Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism would like to invite you to participate in the “Happiness is the Way” retreat at the YMCA-Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village. The retreat starts at 10:00 am on May 23 and ends at 16:30 on May 26, 2013.

The way we live our lives and the way we work is crucial to our joy and happiness. If we bring our awareness to every moment, if we practice mindfulness in everything we do, our family, work and friends can help us realize our ideal of living in harmony with others and of cultivating understanding and compassion. Learning the art of stopping, of releasing tension, of using loving speech and deep listening, and sharing the practice with others can have a huge impact on our family and work. When we know how to take care of our strong emotions and to establish good relationships at home and work, communication improves, stress is reduced and our lives much more pleasant. This is a huge benefit not only to us, but also to our loved ones, our family, to those we work with and the whole of society.

At the retreat we will do the formal practices of morning sitting meditation, walking meditation, eating meditation, and deep relaxation in a joyful manner. We will listen to Dharma Talks on how to live a more awakened life by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. There will be sessions for sharing in small groups so everyone can sit and reflect deeply on the talk and how to put the teaching into practice, even outside of the retreat. Activities in the retreat help us realize our home and workplaces are also practice sites not only the meditation hall in a remote temple; Mindfulness, transformation, and healing can be experienced everywhere, anywhere and anytime.

Tentative Schedule:


Thursday May 23

Friday May 24

Saturday May 25

Sunday May 26


Wake Up


Guided Sitting Meditation

6:30 5MT Transmission Ceremony


Walking Meditation





Dharma Talk




Total Relaxation



Dharma Sharing

15:00 Questions and Answers


Walking Meditation


Exercise/ Consultation

16:30: Farewell




Sitting Meditation

5 Mindfulness Training Presentation

Beginning Anew Presentation


Noble Silence